Sunday, 22 May 2011

Revision & Exams

So, it's that time of year again.  The one thing that I hate about summertime - EXAMS! Some of my friends have actually finished uni for the summer and are just casually sipping Pimm's in the garden with no cares in the world.  I, on the other hand still have several exams to sit through and plenty of revision to be worrying about.  So soz Pimm's O'Clock, looks like you'll just have to wait for me...

This was the Pimms we had at Natalie's 21st (Check out Natalie's Blog)

Now that I've reminisced about old times, and procrastinated, time to get on with revision.  Some of you may or may not know this but I am an English student and therefore that requires a lot of reading and a lot of writing.  Fortunately I only have 4 exams, (I know someone who had 12!) but that is still more than enough revision for me.  I am confined to my desk or the library with copious amounts of books and pieces of paper full of notes which make no sense.

However I do have some strategies for coping with this overwhelming ordeal that is my life at the moment.

1. Many cups of tea and biscuits

Image taken from The Pink Whisk

2. Best friends - to have tea and biscuits with!

Bestest Friends in the universe :) 

3. Good stationary - always a must!

For any of you doing exams or any final work for uni, college, school or work, I wish you the best of luck! It will all be worth it in the end!

love and kisses

Vintage Beauty

1 comment:

  1. This has made me feel much better about all my work :) And I loveeee all the pictures! xxxx
